Monday, April 28, 2008

Slug Love

Jake came in from playing outside and asked if I could cut him out a square (of fabric). I asked what he wanted it for and he said:

"Well, there is a snail who doesn't have a shell, and probably he is cold."

So I had a good laugh and hugged him as I got up to cut him a square of fabric. He goes outside with it only to return with a tennis ball sporting a shellesss wiggly thing atop it. The piece of fabric was way to big for this 3 cm sized creature. So I cut the square down to about a rectangle the size of a long finger nail. Jake then took it and lovingly covered that "cold" little creature! Ah, there is love in my little tyrant.

We then had to go get Drew from school. So Jake brought with him the slug (Devin told him it was a slug), atop the tennis ball. The mini blanket covered the slug with his head sticking out. As we got maybe a block or so down the road and picked up some speed, it got windy in the car due to the windows down. Well, the blanket must have been affixed to the slug, because Jake said he flew out the window. He was still holding the tennis ball, so the blanket must have air lifted that tiny slug and flung him out the window into oblivion!

Jake was upset. It was all Devin and I could do not to laugh at the fate of the slug.
What was very sweet about the whole thing, is that I work on teaching the boys to cover someone up when they are sleeping and Jake was caring about this tiny little helpless creature. Jake is developing into a caring person and that is such a beautiful light of other parts of his personality!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 Shop Open

Finally, my store is open!
I have 8 items up for sale and a few
more on the way! Please go and take
a look! And let other people know about!

Click the link below:

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Beautiful Blessing

When God gives blessings, he doesn't give every person the same type of gifts. To some they have the blessing of a large home to entertain in, to others he may give a blessing of a wonderful vacation, and to others he may give a blessing of extra money to share. Today, He gave me a gift that is special just for me.

Jake and I saw a peacock a few days ago when we took the long way home from his school. After watching the peacock we drove home, only to be stopped by someone walking along side the road. A lady had hand signaled to us to slow down, she didn't want us to hit her dog as he was loose on the side of the road. I told her about the peacock we had just seen. She said that the farmer down the way owned them.

Yesterday, Jake and I went to the farm office (not knowing that this was a big deal farm that grew grapes for wine). In the office there was pictures with the farmer and people like,
our State Governor, the Governor's wife and even pictures with the U.S. President and his wife. I love not knowing who the big wigs are in town, then I'm not intimidated! So I asked if I could come back to take pictures of the peacocks. The lady in the front office said that I could come during business hours.

So I loaded up my beloved camera today and prayed to the Creator of these very peacocks and asked Him to give me some good shots! Oh, what a wonderful blessing form God. I love to
photograph God's creation!!! These pictures are from a wonderful blessing I received today!

Look below for some of the best shots.

God's Gift

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tabasco Sauce and Jesus

We have our little house sorta turned upside down right now. The boys room had mold on the wallpaper so the landlords and I ripped the wallpaper down yesterday. Today they had some men come to fix the walls so that tomorrow we can paint. Everything that was in the boys room (less the closet) was moved into our already too small living room. I lost all desire to clean, cook or do any laundry. So tonight the boys and I went to Denny's for dinner. For some reason the waitress put Tabasco sauce on the table. Devin smelled it and decided that he didn't like the smell. We had dinner and forgot about it all together until Devin was mixing mustard and ketchup on his plate to make BBQ sauce. Jake then took the Tabasco sauce and I thought I heard him say:

"This is what they put on Jesus"
I replied, "This is what they put on Jesus?"
"No", he says,"this is what they put on Cheese-it's"
(They had spicy hot Cheese-it's the other day.)
I had a good laugh.

I knew that they gave Jesus vinegar to
I thought maybe he got mixed up.