I was sewing on Thursday, and realized how nice life had been. My mind was at peace because life had finally calmed down and I couldn't think of any present trials. Ahhhhh.....that was what my heart felt.
Then I noticed how warm the room was and I went and check the thermostat. Once again, our A/C went out; this was about the fourth time since we moved here back in March. Three and one half months in a house and repeated problems, first with the heater and then with the A/C.
My husband was supposed to fly home from Chicago last night after being gone for 4 days. His flight was canceled, and since he was planning to turn around on Monday to go to Arkansas, he decided to stay. So that means no hubby for one week and no one to step in and give me a breather of my maternal responsibilities. I'm taking a nap once I post this, just to have enough energy for shopping at Winco on the weekend with my three boys in tow.
One thing I love to do when life gets stressful is to sew. I once had a physical therapist tell me to relax, he asked what I did that I enjoyed and my answer was sewing. I loved the fact that part of my physical therapy was to make time for relaxing by sewing. I could have kissed him for that (on the check of course)! Well, the kicker is, that amongst the stress of life this week my sewing machine has decided to malfunction. Now I can't even sew away my frustration.
I find it interesting that once I acknowledged how good things were going, things started to unravel. For some reason, my loving Lord, has been diligently working on patience with me. I didn't know that I was an inpatient person before, He must have seen me from a different angle (as he does with us all).
At the very least I enjoyed a few moments of ahhhhhh...................................
Life will always have its problems; it is the nature of living in a fallen world. The thing is, I am beginning to grasp that what are irritations and frustrations for us can be for our own good. God says in His word that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. From his perspective he loves us so much that he wants the best for us and what is best for us is that we are formed into the image of his Son Jesus Christ. If it takes irritations, frustrations or even more intense things of life to form us to be patient, loving or forgiving like Christ then I can honestly say that it is worth it (and a bit more bearable from that angle).
The love of God is different than what love is in pop culture. His love is to bring us to himself. This is not a selfish thing on his part, it is what He knows is best for us.
If I have no A/C, no hubby at home, no break and no sewing machine I will live. But without God I have nothing and am nothing. I praise God for his great love and for supplying all my needs in Christ.
As I write this on Sat. I am enjoying having our A/C back, my hubby is getting a much needed R and R and I will be praying about getting a new sewing machine.
May God bless you in the good and bad of life, and give you eyes to see that the greatest blessing is in Himself.