Awards Ceremonies, I find these events very interesting. The ones on T.V. are so strange to me. The people who make entertainment for the masses, award themselves on their work. They also promote their own fame and acceptability by awarding their own kind. Then there are the pointless award ceremonies that truly puzzle me, like the one I attended last Spring for school volunteers. Yep, the school district put on a nice BBQ lunch for us volunteers, and then as we sat out in the blazing heat as they proceeded to call out our names so that we could go up to the front of the crowd to receive a certificate of appreciation. I don't know about anyone else in the crowd, but really, I didn't need a piece of paper for all my volunteer work. I volunteered because I wanted to be involved in my child's class. I just really don't get the ceremonies.
I do have to say that if we are going to have these crazy ceremonies when need to make one up to honor women who are caring for others, and could be called the Suzies! I think that these should be local gatherings, among friends. We should give accolades to our own friends and family. We should all dress up, have it at a restaurant (so that no one will have to cook or clean up), and make it a dessert only so there will be no quilt in eating it!
Here are some of the awards that should be given:
Best Woman who travels well with children
Best Supporting Wife
Mother of Multiples
Best Creative Mom
Best Entrepreneur Mom
Best Woman Caring for an Elderly Parent
Best Mother Caring For a Special Needs Child
Best Woman Who Shows Hospitality in a Messy Home
Best Woman Who Cares for the Invisible People
Best Woman Who Is A Single Mom
And I'm sure there are many, many more awards that could be given. Every one should be given an award. These ceremonies should go on annually and different awards given out each time to avoid someone always getting the same award. The actual awards should be something that could be sat on a shelf so that the recipient could see it as a daily reminder that she has been acknowledged! We need to build each other up and praise other women for how they serve and sacrifice!
I want one of these awards!! I want the one for traveling well with children!! We just got back from a road trip. I realized as we were flying down highway 99 that over the past two and a half years we have traveled home by train, plane and automobile! We started out the trip with Devin in sever pain, he has strep throat. He didn't want to be traveling today, but I gave him more pain meds and made him take a throat lozenge. He fell asleep part of the trip. He had his feet up on the dash board and he was leaning back in his chair. It reminded me of when he was a baby in his car seat (same position). Oh, how did the time fly so fast! That was the nice part. Then there was the, "I've gotta go pee," and the, "When is lunch?".
We stopped two times before we were even in Fresno! It's nice to not be in a hurry. Of course Mr. Pig-Pin made a disaster out of the back seat. I had to get the shop vac out and clean up back there. It was a great time away, but it is always great to get home.
What an awesome post. I agree wholeheartedly. I've never understood why the celebrities also get free clothes and jewelry to wear to those events when they, above all, can afford to buy things like that. Then, don't get me started on the $10,000 gift baskets that they get. * sigh *