Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Soldier, The News, The Library and a Hot Shower

I don't know what exactly led me to the "Adopt A US Soldier" site a few weeks ago, but I ended up adopting a soldier.  I thought it would be fun to write to a soldier and encourage him or her.  I have been connected with a man who I think is serving in Afghanistan (I gather this by his address).  We have had a few correspondences over the last week and I'm excited to learn more about him.  I would not post anything about him here, that is information he shares with me and I wouldn't dream of posting it.  But I just want to say that I'm excited to have a new friend and thinking of him and praying for him has made me think of things a bit differently lately.

Last night my oldest son was watching the news.  I rarely watch the news, I don't know how much of it is true and how much of it is spun in one direction or another To be very frank, it depresses me.  So in order to help my own mental health I choose to stay away from it.  What I saw last night, in the short time I watched, was horrific.   Two people in Syria had been shot in the street and people on both sides of the street were trying to get their bodies out of the street.  I couldn't imagine living through that.  I can't imagine the mentality of people who have to live through things like that.  Are they constantly afraid, or do they live every day to the fullest knowing that tomorrow they or a loved one could be gone?

My awareness as an American has been enlarged over the past few years.  I am more aware of how fortunate I am.    I have a friend who isn't from this country who has enlightened me about the world and how other countries view Americans. My pastors wife from Modesto has had a passion for foreign affairs that has also made me realize how wonderful it is to live were the government is at least stable.  I didn't write perfect government or country.  There are some great places here and some awful places here, I know.  What I am saying is that I see that I have it really good compared to multitudes of people all over the world.

Today I took my two older boys to the library in Salem.  It is a very nice library, very spacious with lots of books.  I love the library.  I'm amazed at all the books written, realizing that there are only a few in any given library compared to all the books that are printed and on shelves all over the world.  But this microcosm of books delights my brain and tells me that there is a plethora of possibilities for learning!  For this cranial chic, that is exciting.  As I walked down one quiet row in the upper level of the library looking for a non-fictional biography I thought, "I'm spoiled".  I live where there is peace.  I do not have to fear coming into a public place, it was quiet there, and no one had a gun (at least that I could see).  I felt at peace.  I could let my boys roam around and I could do the same with great freedom.

After the earthquake in Japan I noticed a few simple things in my life that many of the people there would like to have.  When I step into a hot shower in the morning, I thank God for it.  It is a privilege to be in the privacy of my own home and have a hot shower.

Then I have to wonder why I was born into such a wonderful state in life.  I am not a rich girl, but compared to so many I am very wealthy.  My only response to what God has given me is to be humble, grateful and thankful to Him.  From that I want to share with others what I can.  I know that what I give can seem small.  Maybe all I give is one little baby quilt to a hospital as a member of a group by the name of Heavenly Angels in Need.  Maybe all I can do is thank a soldier for working in the US army that works toward my own personal freedom.  I could do a lot by doing a little.

I hope to encourage all who read this to think of the much they could do with the little they could give or do.  If we all just stepped out some it could really impact the world around us.  Here is one of my favorite quotes from Mother Teresa that I will leave you with:

"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." 
 Mother Teresa

I don't profess to do and live with perfection.  There are many things that I need to work on.  But I do have a passion for taking hold of opportunities with braveness and step out and do good when you can.  Please, join me.  The people around you and I need your love and compassion.  Even if you feel a bit awkward, that's okay, awkward is better than regret.

Love to all who have spent time here with me,


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