Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nothing is Impossible with God

How is it possible to look at creation and not see the Creator? I so enjoy photographing the beauty that is God's creative expresion of His existance! Just in creation alone you can see how limitless His thoughts and abilities are. Then when you consider all the people of His creation, past, present, and future, it is amazing to even try and fathom his abilites to make people over and again and how different he makes us all.

How silly it must seem to God, that I worry about the future. Why would he leave me uncared for when he provides food for the animals. When I see the beauty of the flowers around me I realize that his abilities and possibilites are limitless! Praise God. My abilities and possibilites are limited and it is foolishness to put my hope in them, when I have a God that is more than able.

I struggle constantly with wanting more, or at least the ability to go get what I want when I want it. But not being able to do so, makes me rely on God. It makes me laugh to myself how God's ways are so the oppisite of the worlds ways. That is why I need to keep in the Word, renewing my mind, and trusting in Him.

My God, my Savior, who died to take my punishment for the sins I have done, made these things in these pictures. May God be glorifed! I thank Him for my eyes that can see them and for the camera that can capture them to share. All good gifts come from Him!

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