The boys and I had a movie night tonight! We watched "The Spiderwick Chronicles", what a cute movie, well it was a bit gross in spots, but hey I used to think the "Grimlins" were cool. Afterward Jake got all the canned tomatoes and tomato paste out of the pantry (that is what they used in the movie to kill the bad monsters) and Drew danced around pretending to kill monsters. These are the times I love. Just having them fly around me being kids.
They have been swimming daily in the beautiful pool that belongs to our landlords. They are away for two months and we get to use the pool and backyard as if it were our own, how wonderful, and praise God! The pool is the saving grace of the summer. I have been feeling trapped here at the house. We live out in the country and every trip to town is about 10 miles in and back; with gas at the crazy price it is and my Troopers hungry appetite for it, I have to think about how often we take off. Jeff has been gone since Sunday (out of the state for business) and I have been personally brooding about not getting to get out of town. The days are long in the summer any way, but for Mrs. Social Butterfly me, being out in the country with neighbors that will not even greet you "Hello" it is a bit like tourture! We do have some very nice and friendly neighbors across the creek, but they are busy with their cows.
Thank the good Lord for phones! What would I do with out a life line to friends? Thank you April for the ear! And Jen, you have blessed me for the rest of my life with the chocolate fountain analogy! Thanks, I needed that!
I have learned over the past few years that I have more patients and endurance with my three guys than I have ever imagined. We have had long stretches of time together. I have dropped my many ideas of being a "good Mom" and I just go for "Mom" and take the "good" when I'm peaceful enough to handle it. Like today for example, I made sugar cookie dough with Jake. It is still sitting in the fridge, chilling, but at least I started something good. Also, I took the boys to the library this week, and have put up with "Guitar Hero". Yeah, way to go Mom, letting Devin get Guitar Hero with his money, that's a great way to introduce your kids to Rock music. What was I thinking. Oh, well, everything they have and do gets old an boring at some time.
I've come to be one with the force of the "Good Mom"! Sometimes she comes to visit and we all love her, then she has to leave because there is real life to live! "Pick up your towel and hang it up, no for the eighth time you can't have a cupcake for breakfast (it's not Saturday yet), get off your brother right now or you will not swim tomorrow...............don't sigh at me when I ask you to do something, do I sigh at you when I wash your clothes or make your dinner, we all work around here!" Yep, reality usually wins out!
They have been swimming daily in the beautiful pool that belongs to our landlords. They are away for two months and we get to use the pool and backyard as if it were our own, how wonderful, and praise God! The pool is the saving grace of the summer. I have been feeling trapped here at the house. We live out in the country and every trip to town is about 10 miles in and back; with gas at the crazy price it is and my Troopers hungry appetite for it, I have to think about how often we take off. Jeff has been gone since Sunday (out of the state for business) and I have been personally brooding about not getting to get out of town. The days are long in the summer any way, but for Mrs. Social Butterfly me, being out in the country with neighbors that will not even greet you "Hello" it is a bit like tourture! We do have some very nice and friendly neighbors across the creek, but they are busy with their cows.
Thank the good Lord for phones! What would I do with out a life line to friends? Thank you April for the ear! And Jen, you have blessed me for the rest of my life with the chocolate fountain analogy! Thanks, I needed that!
I have learned over the past few years that I have more patients and endurance with my three guys than I have ever imagined. We have had long stretches of time together. I have dropped my many ideas of being a "good Mom" and I just go for "Mom" and take the "good" when I'm peaceful enough to handle it. Like today for example, I made sugar cookie dough with Jake. It is still sitting in the fridge, chilling, but at least I started something good. Also, I took the boys to the library this week, and have put up with "Guitar Hero". Yeah, way to go Mom, letting Devin get Guitar Hero with his money, that's a great way to introduce your kids to Rock music. What was I thinking. Oh, well, everything they have and do gets old an boring at some time.
I've come to be one with the force of the "Good Mom"! Sometimes she comes to visit and we all love her, then she has to leave because there is real life to live! "Pick up your towel and hang it up, no for the eighth time you can't have a cupcake for breakfast (it's not Saturday yet), get off your brother right now or you will not swim tomorrow...............don't sigh at me when I ask you to do something, do I sigh at you when I wash your clothes or make your dinner, we all work around here!" Yep, reality usually wins out!
Hmmm...I wondered where that "good mom" went...it was to your house. Could you send her back my way please? My kids are beginning to think I'm Godzilla. Maybe thats why Gracie keeps asking me in her sweet little voice "are you being nice now mommy?" You say it so well. Is all I can say is AMEN SISTER!